Sometimes we get stuck in business, we feel like the proverbial hamster in the wheel racing around working harder and harder trying to make ends meet… Inevitably we are the person who cuts our wages in order that the business will survive or thrive. The trouble is sometimes we cannot take the perspective we need on our business, we become mire exhausted ( and ratty I have noticed in myself and those around me). This is when you you (I!) need to take a step back and ask yourself some challenging questions
What is the biggest issue in the business right now?
Usually this is around time, cash-flow, staffing or getting enough customers
what would Richard Branson do with this business? ( or lord sugar .. Although you might discover he might say ” you’re fired” just imagine you had them and their expertise for a day what would they say you need to focus on, what do you need to do first, what do you need to drop, what extra resources do you need? What part of the business could be automated? Or scaled? Or dropped completely? What part fo the business has the biggest opportunity for growth?
by taking a step back and imagining what a really successful business person would do in the same situation you can see not just an “objective” perspective but also an idea of the action steps you need to take.
Of course if you are still stuck that is when it is worth getting yourself a coach and mentor to challenge you and hold you to account. you need someone who has actually been there – who has the background and the experience of knowing what it is like to run both successful businesses and who has made mistakes along the way…. And learnt from them. As a business woman, chartered accountant and business and executive coach I specialise in helping people who are stuck in their business. i have run my own successful businesses, tripling the value of one in three years and had my mistakes too…. And of course I learnt much more with the mistakes around focus and trust and actually came up against my own inadequacies as a business person. for one I hated asking people for money…. I can’t honestly say I relish it now but I realise that unless I charge for what I do peeople don’t value it. have you noticed that?
So if you have been following this series from the beginning you will know that you have been given some very valuable information and if you have Ben asking yourself the questions you will have been getting some insight into your business and how to take it to the next level. So have you taken it the next level? If not why not? I would hazard a guess it is because you have not take consistent action…. If you have not taken it to the next level I would love to know why …. Do reply in the comment box.
if you are busy unless you are very disciplined and focused it can be difficult to sustain the level of action you need to do to make a difference… Which is where a good coach and mentor comes in.. They can show you perspective and hold you tO account.
I f you really want to make a difference and take yourself to the next level do contact me at gill. Warren13 (@) and ask about having a free introductory discussion about business/ executive coaching with me.
I do not have many spaces available ( genuinely, this is not marketing hype) so if you are serious about moving forward in your business do contact me. If you are not serious about it then I will make you the same offer in a year’s time or five year’s time when you are still stuck in the same place!
So ask yourself
What would Richard Branson do?