Did you find When you first started in business you were just so grateful that someone would actually pay you money that you would agree to any time any discount….well I know I did ! As you become more established though and you have been working long hours there is a fear about not having enough clients ( operating from a place of lack rather than a place of abundance).
Talking to lots of small business people, especially therapists, this is a familiar scenario: you decides to have a Friday off, to do Christmas shopping or some such ( and be honest don’t we feel we have to justify it even to ourselves). then a client phones you up and asks if they can have a session on. Friday at 10, so you think well you can still go shopping in. The afternoon and before you know where you are you have booked up three more appointments so you can only squeeze in the shopping between 11:30 and 1:30.
So ask yourself. ( and I have to ask myself this – regularly I’m very conscious that this is do as I say not do as I do!)
How effective is your no?
I don’t mean that you are rude but if someone asks “can I see you at 4:30 on Friday evening?” don’t